Wednesday, August 29, 2007

High School Reunion

I’ve had the spectacular good fortune this summer to spend some time with my high school friends. Since most of us live in different cities and / or states it’s hard to get together often enough, and virtually impossible to get all of us together at the same time.

However, Jamie and her daughter Taylor had a long visit in Washington during the month of July, and I threw a barbeque at my parent’s house in Olympia so we could all get together. I literally think this was the first time since we graduated that we had all hung out. I’ve hung out with Jamie, Shane (who I went to college with Freshman year) and Rachael (who lived with me for two years at Western) individually many times, but it’s probably been seven years since our whole crew was together. And I don’t think I’ve seen Melissa since high school! It was super fun to be together, reminisce and talk about our new lives.
Rachael also came up to Seattle recently to hang out, since she claims life in Olympia is about as exciting as Bingo night in a retirement home. It was so fun to have her around and of course she is the same fun, happy person as always. She even stuck around to go to the zoo with my family on Sunday, even though I was pretty miserable with a raging hangover.
I’m very lucky that I’ve been able to remain close with the people I’ve know since I was a little 12-year-old seventh grader – or in Rachael’s case, an off-balance first communion student. They’ve all turned into amazing people that I’m still so thankful to have in my life!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Mayfield Lake Camping Trip

Last weekend was round 2 of camping trips with Stewart and his friends. Matt and I headed South to meet up with Stewart (who had left earlier that morning) at Mayfield Lake in Mossyrock, WA. The traffic was horrible and we didn’t arrive until about 6 p.m.

Brett, Stewart, Crystal and several other people were already trashed and having a great time in the boat surfing, wakeboarding and tubing. We quickly jumped in and took off. Mayfield Lake is absolutely gorgeous. There is a river leading off the lake that is lined with rock cliffs covered with green trees and vines. Brett steered the boat down this little corridor until we reached the “perfect spot” to put up a rope swing. After several of the guys monkey-climbed a tree to secure the rope, it was all set. At Stewart’s urging I climbed up to the top and stood there looking down. Peer pressure finally convinced me to swing out over the water, and it was totally worth it! Until I hit the freezing cold water, that is.

To top off my bravery on the rope swing, next we headed for cliff jumping! I know you won’t believe it, but I climbed up the rock face and jumped off the cliff. And this was no ordinary jump – not only was it super high, but I had to take a running start in order to clear some bushes and rocks on the way down. I definitely didn’t try Stewart’s back flip, but at least I jumped, and was the only girl to do so the whole weekend.

The rest of the weekend consisted of camping 101. We ate fantastic dinners prepared by Brett’s mom in their motor home that is bigger than my apartment. We sat on the beach reading magazines. The boys took turns wake surfing and wakeboarding (I never did get back in the water after the first day since the sun never came out again, although it didn’t rain much). We sat around the campfire each night drinking beer and telling stories and jokes until 3 a.m. We went for a boat ride all the way up the river, just for something to do. We never did roast marshmallows, but I’ve never been big on that anyway.

Despite the weather I still had a really good time. I’m having a blast hanging out with Stewart and hope that next weekend at Evan’s cabin in Sunland will be just as much fun – and that the sun will shine down on us, for once!

(Once again, no pictures because I don’t have a camera. Still hoping someone will email me some pics, stay tuned!)

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Second Annual Weekend at the Lake

Last weekend Jeanna and I headed once again to Vanessa’s family cabin on Lake Limerick near Shelton, WA. On the way down, it rained. The weather forecast was terrible predicting temperatures in the mid-60s, clouds and scattered showers all weekend. Obviously not typical August weather, even for Washington. However, we decided to make the best of it.

If you remember from last year, Jeanna, Larisa and I felt a little “singled out” for being the only unattached guests at the cabin. And this year even though I’m seeing someone he wasn’t able to come down with me, so it seemed that once again Jeanna and I would have to amuse ourselves for the weekend while surrounded by happy couples. Luckily, this year Abe, Kendra and Tara were able to join us in celebrating our single and fabulousness – although Tara isn’t technically single she was stag for the weekend so that was good enough for me!
The rest of the cabin was filled by Vanessa and Mike, Shannon and Phil, Larisa and Dave, and Erin and Adam. When we arrived it was still raining so we managed to entertain ourselves by drinking and playing silly games like Hangman. The rain let up long enough for us to go on a walk and for a few people to hit the golf course, but the sky remained gray and depressing and we weren’t even motivated enough to take the boat out. After a fantastic salmon dinner we played several rounds of Drinking Jenga before heading out to the hot tub.
Basic drunken mayhem ensued. One keg, two bottles of vodka and 2.5 half gallons of Crown Royal later, things had begun to get a little silly. Larisa managed to injure her leg by jumping off the dock into too-shallow water. Adam fell off the side of the hot tub onto the cement with a 9.95 rollout recovery. Tara was too drunk to climb out of the hot tub and kept falling back in while we all watched and laughed – we couldn’t help it! Some light-weight girls tried to carry around Phil’s 250 pounds of muscle – which obviously ended badly with Phil crashing into the floor. Abe conducted a photo shoot in the hot tub. Erin returned from a wedding and passed out on the couch in her dress with her mouth open – of course we stuck things in it and took pictures! Mike fell asleep in the middle of an online poker tournament. Vanessa babbled nonsense and then pouted when no one could understand her. Tara and Adam got into a phenomenal wrestling match that broke only a few household items. Mike scrounged the house for cigarettes even though he does not smoke. Vanessa’s dad continued to bring out an apparently endless supply of Crown Royal. We all probably spent more than 4 hours in the hot tub drinking and turning into prunes.Overall, I’d say it was a very successful Weekend at the Lake, regardless of the poor weather. The hot tub was definitely a nice addition this year. I’m disappointed about not going out in the boat, but I have several other camping trips planned this summer so I haven’t lost hope yet. It was great to see everyone again this year at the Penski Pad, see you next time!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Bite Me.

In case anyone is wondering, this is exactly why I am terrified of dogs. Being mauled by a pit bull while sleeping is pretty much my worst fear realized.

I continue to tell people that dogs (while for the most part, adorable, cute, loyal and loveable) are innately dangerous and not to be trusted. The dogs that attacked Sue Ann Gorman at her home in Gig Harbor while she was asleep in bed were not provoked or threatened… they hunted and attacked a human being. The thought of this absolutely terrifies me. The saddest part? A neighbor’s Jack Russell terrier was killed in the attack, although the small dog probably saved Sue Ann by distracting the larger, evil dogs long enough for her to escape.

This is so sick and wrong, and I hear similar stories far too often, although this is definitely the worst in years.

I narrowly escaped an attack by a Rottweiler when I was three years old (according to my mother). The dog was owned by a family friend who of course thought the pet was not at all dangerous. That’s what everyone thinks about their own dog… until it bites someone’s face off.

I am in no way saying that all dogs are bad. I will, however, argue adamantly that no one should be allowed to own dangerous breeds like Rottweilers and pitt bulls. These dogs are completely unpredictable, dangerous and have been bred to be vicious attack dogs. Many of them have been “blacklisted.” I don’t understand why someone would want that in their home. Or even as a junk yard dog, for that matter.

There are almost 5 million dog bite victims annually, and approximately 26 die per year. The majority of attacks happen at home or in a familiar place, and the vast majority of biting dogs belong to the victim’s family or a friend. So bottom line? Don’t make fun of me for being scared of your dog, and don’t try to convince me that it is friendly and lovable. My fear is not only rational, but completely justified. I’m happy that you love your pet, and I wish the two of you a long and happy life together. But keep it the fuck away from me.


Friday, August 17, 2007

She Dreams in Color, She Dreams in Red

Oh Lord Baby Eight Pound Jesus, please let it be true!!

My cousin called me the other night with great news – Pearl Jam is planning an unannounced, free concert tonight in Steinbrueck Park! Well, this according to my cousin’s friend, who apparently lives next door to Eddie Vedder’s baby mama, the source of the information. Of course this rumor alone, along with the fact that I know Pearl Jam is in town right now after returning from Chicago for Lollapalooza, was enough to convince me. However, further research has made the speculation even more promising.

The Pike Place Market Web site promises an “eclectic assemblage of some of the best-known and well respected musical talent to come out of Seattle in 20 years.” Special guests will include Mike McCready and “other surprises, guests and special happenings and SPECIAL PERFORMANCES BY LOCAL FAVES.”’s blog has also picked up on the rumor. They claim to have seen Stone Gossard’s name included in the bunch, and would have dismissed the idea as wishful thinking had they not seen this “chill-inducing phrase” come through their inbox:

“Fans of Pearl Jam might want to save the date.”

Are you kidding me?!? I will hang out at the park with the homeless people all night at this point in hopes of seeing Pearl Jam play! I’m still not over my disappointment that they are not playing at the Gorge this summer, and this could be my one chance to get a Pearl Jam fix… and hopefully make sweet, sweet love to Eddie Vedder. Obviously, I can’t find a better man.

If this concert actually happens it will make my summer. Please Baby Jesus, just give me this one thing and I promise, I won’t even complain about the rain anymore!

I’ll be at the park by 6:30, anyone want to tag along? Hopefully we won’t regret it…

8/20/07 Update: Stone + Mike - Eddie = NO PEARL JAM. Some people claim that just because Stone Gossard and Mike McCready played, Pearl Jam played. Let me take a moment to clarify that Eddie Vedder is Pearl Jam. Needless to say I was extremely disappointed, although the concert was mildly entertaining. Come on Eddie! Would it really have been so hard to make the trek over from West Seattle for the Market's 100th birthday? Apparently so, because he succeeded in disappointing many hopeful fans. So sad. No Pearl Jam fix for Sarah this summer, apparently. Sigh.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Banks Lake Camping Trip

This weekend Stewart took me on an annual camping trip with a huge group of his friends in Eastern Washington. Since this was basically our first overnight trip together I was really excited. We got to Steamboat Rock State Park at the north end of Banks Lake on Saturday evening after driving more than four hours from Seattle. We dropped off our stuff and immediately grabbed a cooler full of beers and headed off down the sandy beach to find Stewart’s friends. 20 minutes later we were on the boat.
A few hours later back at the camp site we had dinner and hung out around the camp fire. I felt a little out of my element being with a bunch of people I didn’t know, but everyone was super nice. The next morning we were on the boat by noon and proceeded to stay on it all day long. Cliff jumping, inner tubing, wakeboarding, and wake surfing took up most of our time, with occasional breaks for beer bonging. I was able to get up on the wake surfboard on the first try! Super exciting, since I have never even been able to wakeboard before.
Wake surfing seems to be much easier. I really wonder who came up with this concept. Everyone sits on one side of the boat to weigh it down and then drive in a slow circle. This turns the wake into a smooth wave that a person can “surf” right near the boat, without even having to use a rope! After the boat pulls you up you just let go and the wave carries you, it was pretty sweet. Stewart was even talented enough to catch and drink beers while surfing.
After another fantastic dinner courtesy of Brett’s mom, we once again sat around drinking and talking by the campfire. By the time a 1980s sing along began things were really starting to get rowdy. I don’t think I’ve laughed so hard in a long time.

The next morning we were awoken bright and early by a bunch of little kids screaming and laughing. I can’t believe I forgot to bring ear plugs. One little six-year-old boy took a particular liking to me and spent the entire morning following me around asking questions prompted by Matt: “What’s cookin’ good lookin’? You should be cookin’ somethin’ up with me!” Thanks a lot, Matthew.

The weather had been overcast the day before, but our final day was clear blue skies and hot hot heat. Taking turns wake surfing never became boring. I can only assume this is because we were sipping cool brewskies the entire time. I saw Brett wakeboard for the first time and I just have to say – WOW! Flips and 360s and everything crazy you can do on a wakeboard, he did it all and never crashed. Truly impressive.
Matt, Stewart and I had originally planned on heading home around 5 p.m. That time came and went and we still couldn’t drag ourselves off the boat. Seeing the boys continue to guzzle down beer, I sighed, stopped drinking and concluded that I would definitely be the one driving home. At 8 p.m. we finally pulled the boat out of the water. Connie had prepared another amazing dinner and it didn’t take much convincing before we were once again sitting around eating and talking.

A little after 9 p.m. I was finally able to force the boys into the car. Dragging myself away from this party was unbelievably hard. Of course, Matt and Stewart both passed out about 20 minutes into the drive… which left me with approximately four hours of driving on dark roads after two nights of virtually no sleep, drinking and sunshine. Not a good combination. I had to stop and get coffee and take a jog around several rest stops just to keep my brain from totally shutting down.

We didn’t get back until after 1 a.m. and all of us had to work the next morning, but overall it was completely worth it. More than anything I’m thrilled to have had such a fantastic weekend with Stewart. I’m so glad he likes me enough to bring me around his friends – who are completely fantastic and fun. I love meeting new people. I ended up with new friends, a lump on my head where I got hit with the surfboard, multiple random bruises all over my body, a dozen itchy mosquito bites on my legs, really dirty hair and a pretty decent tan. Not too shabby if I do say so myself.

Mayfield Lake in two weeks, yay!

Friday, August 10, 2007

Superior Intelligence

I’ve never technically had my IQ (Intelligence Quotient) tested, but while surfing the net yesterday I managed to click on a link that led me to an online test claiming to be the most accurate on the web. So of course I took a few minutes to fill it out. I was super shocked by the results!

Apparently, my IQ score is 133. This number is based on a scientific formula that compares how many questions I answered correctly on the Classic IQ Test relative to others.

My Intellectual Type is "Insightful Linguist." This apparently means that I am highly intelligent and have the natural fluency of a writer and the visual and spatial strengths of an artist. These skills contribute to my creative and expressive mind. Interesting. I totally buy the “natural fluency of a writer” bit because I have always considered myself a “language person,” but I don’t know about this “creative and expressive” part. I did find it funny that they didn’t mention anything about my being strong in mathematics, seeing as I still can’t figure out the tip at a restaurant and do times tables on my fingers.

So you can understand how smart I am, here is the commonly accepted IQ scale:
As you can see, I have Superior Intelligence. I know this doesn’t come as a big surprise, but I thought I would take a moment to point this out. OK, enough of this narcissism. I was actually mildly surprised and impressed by my mental abilities. Most of the time I feel relatively average. But looking back on my test scores throughout elementary and high school I most often scored above the 90th percentile in everything except math, where I was consistently in the 70th percentile; still above average.

I found the questions on the IQ test to be relatively simple, but they must be tricky in some way if they are actually testing your intelligence quotient based on the answers. What do you think?

Test your own IQ.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Stick it in the Hole

Well, our team officially placed 16th out of 20 in our summer Drinks on the Links mini golf league. This obviously doesn’t sound too impressive, but considering the fact that I think we were the only team that never cheated, I think we may have done relatively well. In any event, the league was super fun, and I even managed to get a hole in one!

Stick it in the Hole is always up to par on the intercourse. I’ve really enjoyed my Tuesday nights at Interbay Golf Course, although I wish the weather would have been better. Playing 18 holes while sipping beers on the course is definitely much more enjoyable in the sunshine. The only other downfall? That whole having to pee in the bushes thing. Classy.