I honestly look forward to Halloween all year long, so when I heard that my friend Angie was having a pirate-themed birthday costume party I was thrilled.
Last year I dressed up as Peter Pan for Halloween and a couple of my girlfriends were Captain Hook and Mr. Smee – their outfits were pretty awesome and sexy, so I had filed away the option of a pirate costume in the back of my mind for later.
When Jeanna and I went shopping for our regular Halloween costumes at our favorite annual shopping destination,
Red Light on Capitol Hill, it was easy to find some pirate costumes to try on, and I immediately found the perfect one. To complete the ensemble I obviously had to acquire a plethora of fabulous pirate accessories – scarf adorned with skulls and crossbones, red and white striped tights, eye patch, sword, gold earrings and huge gold coin necklace, several bling bling gold and ruby rings, and an armful of gold bangle bracelets. And I already happened to have the perfect pair of knee-high black boots. Holla!
For Angie’s party I decided to tone the whole outfit down a little bit – didn’t want to alarm the neighborhood or appear too much like some strangely dressed hooker if you know what I mean. However, jeans and a red top, combined with most of my pirate accessories seemed to come out just about right, and Jeanna and I headed for Belltown as a couple of classy pirate wenches. We got only a few strange stares on the bus.

Once we arrived at Brett & Angie’s apartment, we proceeded to drink as much vodka as possible before heading to
Belltown Bistro, where a room had been reserved for us. A few drinks later and the night really started to get rowdy. I don’t think I really have to say much more – the pictures pretty much speak for themselves, I think. In any event, it was a super fun night out with fabulous people – nothin’ wrong with that. I am in love with being a pirate. Argh, matey!