Jeanna, Larisa, Haley and I met up with Kelly and promptly began to utilize our 20 beer tickets each, taking breaks between standing in line for beer to check out the band, Dig the Particulars. At first I was worried that 20 beer tickets (along with the 5 I found on the ground) would not be enough. Boy was I wrong. 15 tickets and a couple hours later, I was on the road to being completely smashed.
Wandering around outside in a crowd full of people drinking mini mugs of beer proved to be one of the most entertaining things I have done in a long time. The band that followed Dig the Particulars played a bunch of great old cover songs and soon we were dancing; if not well. As things began to wind down at Oktoberfest someone decided it would be a great idea to head to a bar in Ballard. Although I was feeling more than a bit tipsy I decided to tag along.
Now, I personally think that my friends and I make up a pretty fabulous group of girls. We are gorgeous, intelligent and fun – what more could you ask for, right? Well Friday night I was shocked to find that Jeanna’s good friend Matt was absolutely against joining our group in the trek to Ballard. Why? I give you the direct quote: “I’m not going to Ballard with the B-Squad!”
B-Squad?? What the hell is that supposed to mean? Apparently it means “less than A-Team material,” or so I’m told. I was completely offended. Matt’s stock completely plummeted, although I have to admit it had never been very high in the first place, so I wasn’t too disappointed. If I am part of the B-Squad, Matt definitely is president of the F-Squad: Failures or Fuckers, take your pick.

At the bar the alcohol and emotional toll of the evening began to get the better of me. I’m embarrassed to admit that I fell asleep against a pinball machine, not exactly the classiest move I have ever made. Luckily, my friends were kind enough to take a photograph of the situation, which I will be kind enough to post here for your entertainment and enjoyment.

haha! sarah! i'm sorry you fell asleep at the pinball machine :(
love ya, Brooke
I love this picture!!!!
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