I think this year Fremont was more packed than ever. I only managed to catch a glimpse of the parade through the swarms of people, but a peek was really all I needed of the flabby, hairy, colorfully painted anatomy going up the street. We grabbed some lunch and then headed over to the real highlight of the festival... the Beer Garden!
Is this just way too cheesy for words?
Mike & Jeanna.
The ladies.
Larisa & Dave.
There's really nothing much more entertaining than people-watching at festivals while drinking beer. I swear, the characters who are willing to come out in public continue to amaze me. And thsi year was made even more entertaining by the fact that several homosexual males took it upon themselves to hit on my boyfriend. Is it bad that I simply looked on from the sidelines, laughing at his discomfort? Poor Stewart tried to explain to them that he is, in fact, straight. But the boys explained to him that he's actually just "confused." And with a few beers in me this was hysterically entertaining.
Poor Stew (although he does look darn cute!)

The view from our amazing rooftop patio.
Of course later that evening there was no reason to stop the general shenanigans of the day, so we met some more friends at a local Fremont bar, followed by drinks on our glorious rooftop patio, followed by more drinks at a well-known Queen Anne establishment... complete with karaoke, Stewart-style. Hearing my boyfriend sing Oasis's "Wonderwall" drunkenly at the top of his lungs definitely brought the day to a fantastic close.
I can't wait until next year.