Let me fill you in with a little background information. We met in college... Junior year, I believe. We were quick to become the best of friends, spending all of our time together. We clicked in a way I rarely click with people, and I was thrilled to have found someone so much like myself, but also someone who made me strive to be a better person. However, she had one downfall... a horribly abusive boyfriend who I will call JB here. I tolerated his behavior for months because I knew she loved him, but then one night he grabbed me and left bruises on my arms. This was the last straw. Shortly after, she left him and came to stay with me before moving to Seattle a few weeks later. I thought we would never see him again.
When I found out a few weeks later that they had gotten back together, I naturally flipped. I told her I couldn't possibly be friends with her if I would be forced to interact with JB. We didn't speak for almost a year, until I began working at the same newspaper her. Luckily, we were able to mend our fragile friendship into even more than what it had been before. The downfall... she would be moving to Kentucky in mere months! I was devastated. We were inseperable for the entire summer, and I made some awesome friendships in the meantime. I cried when she left. She has been gone for about eight months, and I won't say it has been easy maintaining a friendship over such distance. But I made plans to fly out to Kentucky to visit her in April, yay!
However, she is also coming to visit Washington for her birthday in May. However, I had also made plans that weekend to go to Sasquatch Festival and was totally bummed that I would be missing the concert. However, I figured since she would be visiting for five days, it would be no big deal to hit the concert up Sunday. My BFF, however, had a different opinion. When she heard I was going to go to the concert, she called and told me how inappropriate that was, since she would be in town. I told her I had planned to spend the two days before the concert (including Saturday, her birthday) with her, but she didn't seem to think this was enough. We hung up the phone not necessarily in agreement, but who can agree on everything?
That was two weeks ago. Today I received an email. She basically said she did not care to be my friend anymore, and that I was not welcome to visit her next month. I was shocked!! All this over a conflict of schedule? Unbelievable! I'm not sure what to do at this point. The worst part is that during her trip, she had many things planned that did not include me, who was supposed to be one of her best friends... a night with the girls, a birthday dinner (apparently "couples only?") Was I just supposed to sit around and wait for a time when she MIGHT be available? Apparently. Needless to say, the whole situation has shocked and confused me. I have sent her an email, but to no avail. I have been broken up with, and without the "let's just be friends" agreement. What's a girl to do?? Help!