OK you guys are never going to believe this one... I've joined a bowling league! Our team is named the Lucky Strikes and we play on Monday nights in Ballard. Six people are on our team, which means that they only take the top two male scores and the top two female scores, lucky for me, since I really really SUCK! Actually, I wasn't doing all that bad last night thanks to some friendly coaching. I managed to score 99 points during the first game, which our team won!! Sadly, we lost the second game and the overall, but it was fun anyway. And check out the best part of the night... free beer! I somehow managed to get three spares in a row, which earned me a free, bitter, warm beer... mmmmm!! I could have gotten a mixed drink in a plastic cup, but I think bowling kind of constitutes being a beer-drinking activity, don't you agree? It seemed particularly weird to be sitting in a bowling alley that was not filled with clouds of smoke... and when I looked to my left, I not only saw a frail woman with pink hair and an oxygen tank, but a small child as well. I guess bowling alleys are now safe for the masses. I can't believe I've jumped on the bowling league bandwagon, but I can't wait to get my team t-shirt... go Lucky Strikes!!
Yeah Sizzle! You rocked the house on Monday. Probably all because of my stellar bowling tips! You should definitely talk to Angela about being a permanent member of The Lucky Strikes!
I think I've found our next activity. Rich and I have been talking about going bowling, and we both SUCK! Wanna go??
Yeah! I'm actually pretty decent now after bowling every Monday for six weeks. I bowled over 200 on the last game! But bowling is always a fun social activity, I'm down any time!
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