Monday, March 13, 2006

A Second Chance

I thought it was time for an update on my breakup status with my BFF. I had sent her an email which I didn't expect a response to, because I could tell how pissed she was. So I was quite surprised to return home that night and receive a call on my cell phone, which (totally in character) caused me to panic and not pick up. I waited to hear her voicemail, which was not at all hostile, surprisingly. She wanted to talk, and after about a half hour of psyching myself out, I called her back.

Two hours later, things were more or less resolved. I couldn't believe it had gone that smoothly! I was just perfectly honest with her and she with me, and things seemed to work themselves out. In all honesty, I never felt the friendship was in danger, but it really made me think when she told me how hurt she was not to have heard from me in more than two weeks. God I am the world's worst procrastinator!!! Seriously, it's starting to negatively effect my life.

Anyway, I am trying harder to maintain my long distance friendship, and hopefully I won't neglect it so much in the future. Just last night I found out that I am still invited to visit KY next month, yay!!