I met him while trying to hail a cab in Belltown late one Saturday night. Always the gentleman, he asked if I needed any help… and wondered if there was the possibility of seeing me again. In an uncharacteristic move based purely off his award-winning smile, I gave out my unlisted phone number. Then on Sunday, I took him up on his offer to meet a group of his friends at a bar to watch the game. I brought along Jeanna and Tara and impartial witnesses. Then on a whim I joined the group to see a band at Chop Suey. We had a fantastic time, I got the thumbs up from the girls, and since then, it’s been a complete whirlwind.
After I got into town on Thursday, I braved going it alone and met him and his friends at the W Hotel downtown for drinks. We then migrated to King’s Hardware for what turned into a lively and competitive game of Skiball, in which I managed to get the overall top score. He must have been impressed, because Friday night we went to the O Lounge for drinks, and then El Gaucho's Pampas Room for more drinks, a live band and… swing dancing! I’ve haven’t had that much fun in a long time. Not that I’m the best swing dancer, but he new enough to teach me a little, and we were (sort of) able to keep up with the apparent professional dancers on the floor.
Gosh, the list goes on, I don’t know if I will even be able to remember all the fantastic things we have managed to cram into just a couple weeks… dinner at Daniel’s Broiler, walks in the snow, “The Great Gatsby” at the Bagley Wright Theatre, breakfasts, movies, watching TV together on my couch, bingo at Jabu’s Pub, drinks and appetizers with his friends at The Waterfront, dessert and drinks at El Gaucho, watching football at Amber... it goes on and on. This besides countless phone calls and text messages – are you thoroughly freaked out for me yet?? He brings me flowers, opens doors, won't let me pay for anything, kisses me in public, holds my hand, calls when he says he will... is this guy for real?
We’ve tried on multiple occasions to spend a couple days apart, but it always seems we somehow always end up together again. And this is completely odd, seeing as he works in the restaurant industry and I expected to rarely see him due to his work schedule. But more often than not I receive a call or text in the afternoon (when I expect him to be working that night) saying, “Do you want to do this or that…” and I’m powerless to decline! The offers (and most importantly, the company) are just irresistible!
I know I should be completely panicking, but so far things have been so great that I haven’t really had time to analyze the situation. I suppose it’s best that I just enjoy what I have while it lasts, because it’s so rare for me to find someone I connect with so well – at least someone who feels the same way about me. I have yet to find a flaw in him; if you’d like a list of his fabulous credentials, I would be more than happy to fill you in. I’m pretty sure I’ve gone on and on about him to most of you already.
What is a girl to do in this type of situation? Normally I would be completely concerned with the games we play, i.e. don’t answer this call because you might seem too needy, don’t say that because he might read into it wrong, etc. But this time I’m going to experiment. I’m just going to let things take their natural course without playing games. If he calls I’ll answer. If he wants to hang out and I’m not busy, I’m all for it. If he asks me what I think about something, I’ll tell the truth, instead of saying what I think he wants to hear. Because if this is going to be real I guess I have to make it real, by being real. And hey, I have some people in my life who have told me that I happen to be pretty fabulous, just the way I am. Thanks guys!
Anyhow, back to this dating game. Does anyone have advice they would like to share? I’m ready and willing to listen, because it’s been a long time since I’ve been in this sort of situation – not only dating, but more importantly someone I really like and who actually treats me amazingly, and so far seems to like me too. (Yes, he's told me...) I’m completely overwhelmed, and more than a little bit twitterpated. Sigh.
Both fingers crossed…
You are a very sweet person, just realize that sometimes when things are too good to be true, that's a red flag, but it could also mean you find the love of your life. Keep your heart gaurded for at least three to six months with a boy who might be perfect. Although you might have slept with him ??? and that's not for me to know, he totally swooned you into the bed, if it happened that fast. This is my relationship motto, "hope for the best, but prepare for the worst". You never know where love is, where you will find it, or where you will loose it. Trust me I have been in your shoes and Jeana's and that was with girls that are supposed to be sensative and nice. I wish you all the best in any situation. And if he hurts you and you can't get out of bed because your heart hurts, I will hunt him down and punch him in the groin. Is he going to be there SAT??
He will probably show up later when he gets off work... which unfortunatley means I will be completely hammered by that time, but hey, it's my birthday! You can take on the task of getting to know him and letting me know if you get the good karma vibe or not... ;-)
ironic that you write the "i met the most perfect guy" blog at the EXACT same moment i write the "i met the biggest asshole blog." literally, look at the time we both posted. slightly creepy.
however, i'm so excited and so nervous for you all at the same time. remember, what can be perfect and blissful for two months, can quickly fall apart. my advice is the same as jenny's: try to keep your hear guarded, which doesn't mean you have to play games. but, i would be careful.
all in all though, i think doug is going to turn out to be a great catch, and i'm UBER excited for you!
Ooooh, that's super weird! I never would have noticed...
If he starts talking about racial genocide or how he'd like to "burn that country to the ground," that's bad. Any mentions of the KKK or the Third Reich are strict verboten. I mean forbidden. Those are bad too.
Remember all of those months of me telling you "Just wait, he will come along when you least expect it"? I'm so happy for you. My advice (speaking from my own experience with E) would be to NOT worry about "what you two are". Push aside all the labels...bf and gf, etc. Just go with it, and don't guard yourself. If you feel excited, then damn it, get excited!! You only live once, and to feel the full experience of true love, you need to let your guard down and not worry about the possibility of getting hurt sometimes. That's the only way in my opinion to let yourself be truly happy. KISSES!!!!
Sarah, I am so happy for you! Seriously, this guy is perfect for you. Such a gentleman, which you absolutely deserve. It's been a long time comin'....
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