Thursday, July 16, 2009


I’m a very responsible person when it comes to money, but paying tuition for the past year without taking out any loans has really taken a toll on my financial situation. I feel like I’m constantly behind, always playing catch up. I received a paycheck today, and after taking care of a few necessary bills I realized I’ve really dug myself into a hole. Even with careful planning, it could take me six months to crawl out of it.

However, upon a further careful review of my bank statement, it turns out that maybe I haven’t been being so responsible after all. Since I finished school a few weeks ago it seems like my life has been even crazier than before… but in a good way. I’ve been able to spend time with friends and family and take a ton weekend trips. But as my social life soared, my bank account plunged.

When you’re busy every weekend and in the evenings after work, it’s hard to find time to grocery shop and cook. You meet friends for happy hour and dinner, so you don’t have any leftovers. Which means you buy lunch at work. And after a close examination, I realized that in the past month I’ve donated more than $150 to the restaurant and bar industry. And now, with the fresh taste of high APRs in my mouth, none of it seems worth it.

I’ve simply got to get back on track. I’ve already turned down several lunch and coffee outing offers this week, and I can hear the cha-ching of those dollars dropping into my savings account. And for the first time in far too long, I spent quality time at the grocery store, taking the time to plan out full healthy meals instead of grab and go stuff. On Sunday, I spent an hour chopping up vegetables to mix up and eat with whole grain wraps for lunch this week. Delish.
I think with a little self control, I can definitely nip this in the bud. But yeesh, the world sure is expensive! I recently attended the “complimentary training session” offered to new members at my gym. I got in a decent 15 minute workout with the trainer and was really feeling excited… until she dropped the bomb on me. Personal training at my gym costs $70 a session. That’s $140 an hour! Um… do doctors even get paid that much money?! I resisted the urge to laugh in the trainer’s face and walked away to check the complimentary class schedule.

The nice thing about being on an exercise kick is that it leaves me much less time to be tempted by happy hours and other money sucking social activities. And hey, working out can be done with a buddy, too! So, note to self: Whenever someone presents you with an activity that involves spending unnecessary bucks, throw them a curve ball and offer up a walk around the lake or a Cardio Jam class, followed by a BBQ of yummy food at your place. Cha-ching!


Bayjb said...

Good for you! This is definitely tough. I used to never spend money when i go out, but now I have a little budget and I'm okay so I don't miss out. But definitely keep it under control.

Anonymous said...

when am at college i go to starbucks every monring. now tht am on holiday am discovering how much i hve saved. so i hve started a ''starbucks fund'' where i put all my loose change between and when i go back to college end of aug i will live off tht!

being responsible sucks!
the recession sucks!

Mara said...

I do all my cooking on Saturday, so I have leftovers for the beginning of the week. By Thursday I'm ready for take out or dinner at a local dishes to wash!

Sarah Alway said...

Bayjb - I think having a budget is key. I went out with girlfriends on Wednesday night and brought only the exact amount of money I wanted to spend, in cash. That seemed to work out well and I didn't feel guilty the next day.

Miss Rambles - Isn't it amazing to realize how much you can save when you cut something out for a bit?! And I agree... the recession SUCKS.

M.J. - I'm usually in the same boat even when I do plan ahead. By the time the end of the week rolls around I am either out of leftovers or sick of the ones I still have. Maybe I should just go ahead and designate one day at the end of the week as a restaurant night. That way I won't randomly binge because I can look forward to what I have planned.

Erin said...

Sis, your food looks YUMMY.

Let's go for a run and then make our own healthy delicious food at home sometime soon :)