Well, I’ve officially been to three Mariner’s games so far this season, and although I’m generally the first to admit that baseball bores me, I’ve had a fantastic time at all three games.
Game 1, May 8: Seattle Mariners v. Tampa Bay Devil Rays. Apparently we won, 6-3. Jamie, Clint and I got super hammered at Pyramid Alehouse before the game started, and I don’t think we even made it to the seventh inning before getting bored and going home. Which is probably why I don’t remember who won the game, and I had to look it up. The Mariners apparently scored three runs in the seventh inning, and two in the eighth. Regardless, I had a fantastic time just sitting up in the nosebleed section along the third baseline. We drank cheap beer and reminisced about old times. Jamie and I were both freezing, and had to huddle in Clint’s giant sweatshirt (yes, together). Clint may have been on the lookout for fly balls, but I don’t think Jamie and I paid more than 10 minutes attention to the entire game. It was fantastic.
Game 2, August 23: Seattle Mariners v. New York Yankees. At this point I had heard enough “The Mariners suck this season” comments to not be surprised when we lost, 2-9. However, I still had a fabulous time at the game. This time, Jeanna and I met up with some of her high school girlfriends. There were about eight of us all together, and it’s no wonder the old, toothless, creepy man next to us attempted to make friends. Ick. Night games at Safeco Field in the summer are fabulous, since the weather is so perfect. So we had a great time gossiping and occasionally watching the game when the crowd noise signaled that something exciting was happening. Most importantly, we quickly learned that the center field bleachers are not only the best/cheapest seats in the house, but they have a great viewpoint for scoping out cute guys. Unfortunately, it’s also a great viewpoint for mullets galore, and obese people grubbing on garlic fries, paying no attention to the game. I honestly think some people just come to the ballpark to eat. I’m still trying to block out those images and concentrate on the gorgeous men.
Game 3, August 27: Seattle Mariners v. Boston Red Sox. This time I attended an afternoon game with my brother and sister. Since the center field bleacher seats were already sold out, we got some really great (more expensive) seats down fairly low on the third baseline. We were only sitting down for about half an inning before we realized our mistake. August Sunday afternoons in Seattle are HOT, and our seats were directly in the sun. My brother was sweating in seconds, and I have to admit, I was too. My fair-skinned sister realized we needed to take action immediately before we became lobsters, so she bought herself a hat, some sunscreen, and frozen lemonade drinks all around. Unfortunately, we still had to take breaks from the hot sun, and while she and my brother were wandering around in the shade, they missed the most exciting play of the game. With the bases loaded, Raul Ibanez belted a grand slam in the bottom of the fifth inning. Even I know that’s pretty exciting, and apparently it’s a pretty big deal that the Mariners completed a three-game sweep of the Red Sox for the first time in 17 years. Eh, I just liked spending an afternoon in the sun with my siblings. We even ended up on the big screen up on the wall at the field, which has never happened to me before, and according to my dad, we were on TV for a second, too! Oh and PS, we won, 6-3.

So I suppose I am officially a fan now. Even though I’m not so big on baseball itself, I’ve learned that going to a game is a fabulous social event (possibly filled with cute boys and alcohol, what could be better?) So if anyone wants to invite me to another game, feel free. Go Mariners!
Um..I will go to the Mariner's Game with you anytime, but I will eat the HELL out of some garlic fries! Those are delicious! Especially with a good $6 Bud Light.
How much longer is baseball season and when do you want to go.
I'm so there!
Oh man, we got some of those garlic fries on Sunday, and we were practically crying because of all the garlic, but they were still good.
Baseball season goes until the end of September at least, so we've got plenty of time. We can go some night after work after we recover from Labor Day weekend. ;-)
Kid Valley sells them right down the street from my house and when it comes to hangover food - I swear by them. Seriously.
I'm definitely down to catch a Mariner's game. I haven't gone to one this season..so...
Let's plan on it! I'll e-mail you today about Friday's plans!
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