Although we usually know better, Jeanna and I started off the night with tall vodka diets at the Melting Pot. After narrowly escaping being sucked into the black hole, we headed to Evo. We were greeted by crowds of gorgeous men, live hip hop music and free keg beer – not too shabby for a Saturday night. After drinking ourselves silly and showing off our moves on the dance floor, we stumbled back into the night and somehow ended up at a wine bar on Queen Anne. I think I poured myself into bed around 3:30 a.m.

By about 12:30 I was really feeling like crap, and decided I would head home instead of following the troops down to Pioneer Square. Unfortunately, Jeanna’s friend Matt picked this particular time to latch onto me – totally uncomfortable. As the rest of my friends jumped into a cab to head downtown, Matt made some embarrassing and pushy attempts to kiss me and hold my hand. Trying to be polite, I explained that I was going home – ALONE. Matt offered to give me a ride.
Let’s see – free ride home versus $15 cab ride by myself? I didn’t see the harm in taking him up on his offer, since I had already explained that I was sober, sick and most definitely flying solo for the rest of the evening. Big mistake. That ride was basically the scariest thing that has ever happened to me.
The short trip from Fremont to upper Queen Anne turned out to be one of the longest of my life, as a completely inebriated Matt pulled the car over every few blocks and proceeded to yank me over to his side of the cab, mashing his face up against mine. I didn’t know what to do! I could stay in the truck with a person who I had up until this point known and trusted, or I could get out in the middle of a dark residential neighborhood and walk home by myself. Mistake #2 – I stayed in the car.
By the time we finally got to my building, Matt was being pushier than ever, and my wrists actually hurt from continually trying to pull away from him. I couldn’t wait to get out of the car. But Matt did not pull into the convenient circular driveway in front of my building. Instead, he pulled down onto a dark side street. I thought he missed the turn. He didn’t. He blatantly informed me that he would be accompanying me upstairs, and that I should be glad to have him there. Still trying to remain composed, I told him that no, in fact I would be going up to my apartment alone, just like I had informed him when he offered me the ride. And I began to open the door.

In hindsight, I almost feel like one of those girls who makes excuses for her boyfriend who beats her. Did I lead this guy on? Did I in any way cause him to believe he had any chance of sleeping with me? And even if I did, did he have any right to treat me this way? What did I do wrong? How did I get myself into this situation?
My friends responded with expected sympathy and outrage. Understandably upset, I went over to Jeanna’s house for some comforting. Jeanna, Larisa and Tre all agreed that the way I was treated was completely ludicrous – Matt’s actions were those of a crazy person, someone not to be trusted again. And I will make you this promise right now: I will NEVER interact with Matt again. I never want to be associated with a person who would treat a woman that way, under any circumstances.
I feel lucky that I escaped with only a bruised ego, and not a bruised face. Be careful girls. I didn’t realize it before because I was naive (and up until this point in my life very lucky), but things like this happen when you least expect it. Stand up for yourselves. It’s never your fault, and you NEVER owe anyone ANYTHING. Be safe out there.
wow. i can't believe you published this on the internet. wonder if he'll read it...
Who cares.
Your story made me think of a scene from "Pulp Fiction."
Do you think Matt's mouth would accept a standard size ball-gag?
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