Well, I really managed to outdo myself this year with probably one of my most memorable Halloween weekends on record. Here’s the breakdown…

Friday night began with a group costume, starring yours truly as Peter Pan, Larisa as Captain Hook, Jeanna as Mr. Smee and Vanessa as Tinkerbell. We made quite a cast of characters! I don’t know how I got roped into playing the boy who wouldn’t grow up for Halloween, but the costume actually ended up being cute; and I still got to rock fishnets and sparkly green eye makeup! Our group was supplemented by Tre, dressed as some sort of little boy from Holland, and Abe as Sayid from the ABC series
Lost. After a significant amount of pre-funking at Vanessa’s house, we headed to a house party in Greenlake. I freaking love Halloween. There is nothing more entertaining than going to parties and checking out the strange/fabulous costumes people have thought up. At the party we also met up with Mike, who came as Clark Kent/Superman.
My favorite part of the party by far was when a perfect stranger approached me, looked deeply into my eyes and said,
“Oh there you are, Peter!” If you’ve ever seen the movie
Hook, you get it.
After a broken window mishap, several beers, and some karaoke, we decided to bail to another party in the neighborhood. This one proved to be far more entertaining. That is, after I managed to get in the door, which proved difficult due to the overwhelming stench. This party was far larger than the first, two stories of Halloween fun! The cool old house was like a maze, with random hallways and doors everywhere, very spooky. There was also an upper deck and backyard perfect for getting away from the hot, noisy interior.

After hitting the keg, Jeanna and I decided to get our groove on in the sunken living room, which had been converted into a dance floor complete with deejay and multicolored lights. However, notice that I said
sunken living room… this means that we had to go down two or three steps before hitting the hardwood floor below. This would have been good info to have beforehand. Somehow in the dark I assumed there was only one step, and in a movement obviously lacking all grace, I pitched forward into the crowd of people and slammed into the floor, only avoiding knocking out a tooth by getting my knee underneath me at the last second.

I spent the rest of the party trying not to bleed on people. And arguing that I was, in fact, Peter Pan,
not Robin Hood as many suggested. As the night wound down, we decided to head out. Totally disregarding my little spill inside the house, Jeanna thought it would be a great idea to slide down a railing next to three flights of concrete steps. She got about six steps down before crashing to the ground and narrowly escaping a rough tumble to the bottom. We were up to three scraped knees at this point… super classy.
The next morning wasn’t pretty as Jeanna and I woke up bruised, scraped and battered. Ah well, it’s the price you pay, I supposed. We geared up for another Halloween night out. Saturday night we had plans to attend a few parties in Queen Anne before heading out to the bars. We retained the same
“Second Star to the Right and Straight on ‘Til Morning” theme, but this evening also included Kelly as Tigerlilly, and we were sadly sans Tinkerbell. After hanging at Je’s house for a while, we trucked ourselves up the hill in the frigid weather.

Since it was still early, the party was pretty low-key. We took advantage of the keg and spent most of the next couple hours inside socializing with each other inside… skanky costumes really aren’t made for icy October nights in Seattle, and we were reluctant to join the other party-goes on the deck. Eventually, Larisa’s friend called and informed us of a fabulous party happening in Beacon Hill. Normally I would never consider taking a cab that far into the south end for a house party, but since it was Halloween I decided to make an exception.

It was the longest, most expensive cab ride of my life. After pit stopping at a gas station for more beer, we became virtually stuck in SoDo – completely blocked from our destination by an endless line of trains, of all things. After waiting for them to pass for nearly 10 minutes, Jeanna couldn’t take it anymore and hopped out of the cab to find a convenient bathroom. Finally, we made it to the party.

Unfortunately, the house was filled with snobs the other girls had gone to high school with. Every guys and girl I met pretty much sucked. I managed to entertain myself for a while by singing karaoke with Kelly, but was overall disappointed in our choice of destination. Jeanna, Kelly and I headed out, in search of a main road that might yield a taxi back to the city. However, we took a wrong turn and were soon wandering, shivering cold, around a residential Beacon Hill neighborhood.
Once we finally found a main street there were no cabs in sight. Fortunately a mutual friend who had been at the party happened to drive by and offered us a ride. The journey home was the one thing that salvaged the night as we danced, laughed hysterically and sang at the top of our lungs the whole way home. It was awesome.
Happy Halloween!
Great way to have fun and this festival is like celebrated almost everywhere. Ours last month was organized at one of the nearly located event space Atlanta with quality caterers and bakers. Cookies and cup cakes were of all flavors. Party favors were amazing and liked by all. Danced a lot at rocking music.
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