Well, it got so crazy this year that I managed to pull off two completely different costumes! This stemmed from the fact that our foursome had originally been planning on a
Wizard of Oz theme, but that got nixed. Unfortunately this was after I had already purchased a non-returnable Dorothy costume, complete with ruby slippers.

Since several members of our
Peter Pan crew were unable to join in the Halloween night festivities, we all donned individual costumes – Jeanna as a geisha, Vanessa sporting my NYPD cop costume from last year, and me as Dorothy. We had decided after much deliberation to attend a party at the
Last Supper Club in Pioneer Square, a place I would normally avoid like the plague. However, this year the
Underdog Sports League rented out the lower-level bar, and entrance was free for all league members.

Decked out in our costumes, the three of us headed downtown with Tre and Damon. The club was packed, and it took a while to get up to the bar for our $3 drink specials. We took to double-fisting them just to avoid standing in line again. Jeanna’s costume was a huge hit, and I am convinced she should cut her hair into a bob and dye it black immediately.

We hit the dance floor and had a fabulous time. I even managed to find myself a Scarecrow! All three of our costumes eventually became covered in spilt beer, and I’m pretty sure we collectively smelled like a drunk dirty homeless person. Luckily, everyone else was too intoxicated and covered with beer themselves to notice.

After the extremely lame costume contest in which no one could see the stage, we topped off the night with our own version of Dance Party USA as the deejay began playing 1980s pop songs like Hey Mickey. A fabulous way to end the night, and the Halloween festivities in general. My only disappointment was that a random stranger didn't come up to me and declare,
"There's no place like home!" but I suppose that would have been a little much to ask.

I’m not going to deny I’m already thinking about what my costume will be next year. I can’t wait!!
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