"If I make my bed a place I want to be, others will want to be there, too." -- Miranda Hobbs, Sex & the City.
OK, that's not exactly why I decided to redo my bedroom, but I have to say I was so sick of the purple decor I have had since the age of 12 I wanted to pull my own hair out every time I looked at it. So this past weekend I broke down and spent some money on new bedding. After painting my ugly teal sponge-painted bedside tables a more pleasing shade of cream last night, it was time to make up the bed. WOW! You would not believe the difference! No more floral purple for me! The bold red with cream stripes was exactly what I needed! I put together my new silver lamp and the package was complete... Oh, anyone need a purple lamp? It's going in the trash tonight, otherwise!
The sun streaming through my window gave a glorious glow to the entire room this morning, and I swear it actually made it easier to get up and face the day! And the new million-something thread-count sheets that I stole from my parents' house were AMAZING to stretch out in while I pushed the snooze alarm about six times. Oh wait, is my P'jammer clock radio no longer compatible with my new sophisticated bedroom? I don't know if I'm ready to part with it quite yet!
I didn't really change my bedroom because I wanted to get laid or anything, but I have to admit I am a little frustrated and bored by my life, so perhaps this small change will help. However, the man that I am in love with and perpetually dream of having back in my bed hasn't been there in months, so the chances of him seeing my new lovenest is slim to none, although a girl can dream, so to speak.
Sadly, I think another quote from Miranda is more fitting for my life... Watch your answering machines for this message, girls...
"I know you're probably busy having mind-blowing sex, but I feel you need to know that your good friend, Miranda Hobbs (insert my name here), has just taken a piece of cake out of the garbage can and eaten it. You'll probably need this information when you check me into the Betty Crocker Clinic."
Sweet dreams...
Haha... love ya honey.
"If you build it, they will come."
I'm just going to interject my highly annoying and much too opinionated opinion here:
Redoing your bedroom is to create karma for new men, not old fucks.
Hi SarahBeth,
My name is Rebecca and I live in Melbourne Australia. I came across your blog as I am looking for spare parts for my favourite possession - a GE P'jammer clock radio - and hit this entry. Have you still got yours and would you think of selling it?
Hey Bek,
As I'm sure you can understand, my P'Jammer clock radio is one of my most prized possessions! I got it for my birthday when I was 7. My best friend has one also, which she adores and couldn't bear to part with -- they are by far the best invention of the 20th century's modern technology. So I'm sure you can understand why I could never sell it, but I wish you the best of luck with your search!!
Thanks for your quick reply SarahBeth - I completely understand! I got mine when i was 12 and it's the thing I'd rush back in for during a fire. It is not broken yet, but having had it for 18 years I am unwillingly preparing for the inevitable! Thanks again - bek
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