I can tell you one thing – I am going to be DESPERATLY waiting the return of Desperate Housewives this fall! Last night’s season finale certainly had a lot of unexpected twists!! Although completely entertained for two hours, my main complaint? This show is getting a little unrealistic.
Sunday’s finale weaved in flashbacks to when everyone moved to Wisteria Lane, enabling viewers to finally see the character of Mary Alice. She typically provides voice-over narration, since she committed suicide before the story began.
Let’s begin with Bree Van de Kamp, the widowed uptight perfectionist. Her flawless demeanor has been unshakable over the past year, even considering the death of her husband, murder of her fiancé, and having to raise two rebellious teenagers: a soulless son and self-absorbed daughter. But by the time last night’s show rolled around, Bree had finally had it and checked herself into a psychiatric hospital. Let’s intertwine the story of the Applewhites. Betty Applewhite and her two sons moved to Wisteria Lane just this season, and have caused quite the neighborhood scandal. Throughout the year we have been taught to fear Caleb Applewhite as the murderer of Melanie Foster, only to find out that his brother, conveniently Bree’s daughter’s boyfriend, is the killer. When Bree hears the news, she busts out of that psych ward to save her daughter. This scenario ends with Matthew Applewhite being shot by the police (Death #1).
Moving on to my often-favorite couple, Lynette and Tom Scavo. These two have had their disagreements over the past year, most often involving their battling careers and four unruly young brats. But I always had hope for these two – their marriage seemed strong enough to withstand anything, and let’s face it, Tom Scavo is the hottest guy on Wisteria Lane, without a doubt! So when Lynette tailed Tom to Atlantic City and found him with another woman, it was quite a shocker. However, last night’s finale revealed that Tom was only in contact with the “other woman” because she had been raising his illegitimate child for the past 11 years. Now this was a fair explanation, and I was stoked to find out that Tom wasn’t cheating. HOWEVER, once they brought in psycho one-night-stand girl, I began to get irritated. She convinced Lynette and Tom to pay her $30,000 in back child support, then promptly spent the money on a house five blocks away! Now how realistic is that, when she could have spent the money on her daughter’s college, etc. Give me a freaking break.
And then there’s Gabrielle and Carlos Solis. Glamorous and scandalous ex-model Gaby has been working hard at her marriage since moving on from her affair with the underage gardener. She even went as far as to agree to children with Carlos, which was not her top choice of activities in life. Shopping is more her style, not spit-up. Enter their maid, who’s name I have never been quite sure of, so we’ll call her Shao Mae, which is as close as I can get. In danger of being deported, Shao Mae has agreed to carry Carlos and Gaby’s child as a surrogate mother, since Gabby cannot do it herself after miscarrying their first child. I thought all this baby talk has been great for the marriage, but apparently not, since at the end of the episode Gaby found Carlos and Shao Mae in a quite compromising “baby making” position. Considering the circumstances, I admire Gaby for having the presence of mind to only kick out Carlos and keep Shao Mae around. I mean, she is carrying Gaby’s baby, after all. Let’s face it though, BOTH Gaby and Carlos need a serious lesson in the definition of monogamy. I don’t see how they’re going to get through this one.
Finally, we have Susan Mayer, our 40-something divorcee living in a trailer with her 14-year old daughter since their neighbor Edie Britt burned down their house. (But to be fair, only after finding out that Susan had been having an affair with her ex-husband, soon to be Edie’s new husband, Karl). But since day one, Susan has been in love with Mike Delfino, and I can’t say that I blame her. He’s smokin’ hot. And throughout the episode, it seemed that things were finally going to work out between Mike and Susan. She had planned a romantic dinner during which he was likely to propose. However, something odd’s going on here… After chipping a tooth, Mike went to see Bree’s dentist friend. We’ll call him Dr. Trey McDougall from his previous roll on Sex & the City, since I can’t remember his name. Dr. Trey saw something funny enough on Mike’s prison dental films to run him over with his car! (Death #2 – still potential). So Mike never did end up proposing and poor Susan was left high and dry.
Oh and let’s not forget our favorite little psycho, Zach Young, who is actually Mike Delfino’s son, although he was raised by Paul and Mary Alice Young. Paul Young is currently in jail facing murder charges, and instructs young Zach to go to his grandfather for money. Instead, Zach kills his grandfather in order to inherit his estate, (Death #3) and then cuts off communication with Paul. Interesting.
Questions still remaining:
· What happened to Bree’s son Andrew? He never appeared in the season finale, will he be back next season?
· Are the Applewhites gone for good? I think so, not much more plot there to work with, now that they’re moving and her murderer son is dead.
· Are they actually going to introduce this psycho bitch Tom slept with a decade ago as a character? I really hope not.
· Where will the Solis’ story line go from here? In my opinion, their marriage is far to messed up at this point to be salvageable. However, they do have a baby on the way…
· What happened to Edie Britt? Last time we left this vengeful bitch, she was laid up in a hospital bed… will she be back?
· Most importantly, is Mike Delfino really dead?!?
As situations get more and more desperate, how will things end in suburbia? My opinion? This season finale left doors open for the development of dozens more story lines, and I think Desperate Housewives will be around for years to come.
Check it out here.
gosh! i wish i had cable! i'm such a loser.. but i'm at work every night so i can't watch the shows anyway :( I'm so glad to read blogs from a gal my age who acctually works full time, it makes me feel better about my life Sarah! sometimes i just can't stand another day of working!!
love ya
Ok. I watched the season finale last night, and I agree with your "far-fetched" comment. Seriously. People don't really live like this, well, at least not all in the same cul-de-sac!
First off, thank GOD Tom wasn't cheating on Lynette. I'm in love with him and just couldn't stomach the idea of having to hate him. Secondly, I'm freakin glad the Applewhites are gone. That whole plot line was pathetic, dumb and a little drawn out. I'd be glad to see some new neighbors move in!
Can you believe Zach effed his father like that?! That was awesome! Yet another plot line that wasn't really working too good.
I hope Mike isn't dead! I don't think he is. That is probably one of those cliff-hanger things that they want to make you think is true, but won't be once the next season starts up. I was so excited that him and Susan were going to get back together!
FINALLY, I was dissapointed Gabbie was hooking up with the freakin hot gardener again. I thought she was getting revenge on Carl, then realized it was a flashback! I hope he comes back next season! DROOL.
Thanks for taping it for me! Love yah!
Well all I have to say is if they kill off Mike, there's no reason to watch this show anymore. He's so effing HOT!
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