Last night I watched the final two hours of the season finale of Grey’s Anatomy, and I still have to maintain my claim – This show is the best thing on television! It’s got everything; sex, drama, comedy, romance… the perfect escape for those dull Sunday nights with another work week looming before us. However, I’ve just learned that next season Grey’s will air on a new day and time – Thursdays at 9 p.m. Interesting.
So now we are left with a summer to ponder Meredith’s dilemma. Will she choose Dr. McDreamy (played by the oh-so-steamy Patrick Dempsey), or Dr. McVet (Chris O’Donnell)? I can’t help but cheer for the latter, because let’s face it, Derek is still married to Addison, and does seem to care about her. Of course not enough to resist doing Meredith up against the wall of an exam room while his wife is still in the building, but that’s neither here nor there. Oh and by the way, is anyone else still wondering if Meredith ever found her panties?
Talk about a tear-jerker though! I tried hard not to cry when Meredith and Derek had to put their dog to sleep, but I couldn’t handle it. I personally happened to see the death of the dog as a metaphor for the ending of their relationship, but apparently I was wrong. I can’t help but feel bad for Addison Shepherd, because she’s trying so hard to make her marriage work, but then again, she did sleep with Derek’s best friend – Not a forgivable offense, in my opinion.
But the question of the day remains… What is going to happen to Izzie Stevens? I predicted that they were going to kill off her love interest, Denny, but it was still awfully sad when they did! However, I still think they could have developed that particular story line a bit more. I find it kind of far-fetched that she could have fallen so deeply for a patient in such a sort period of time. But it has been suggested that I’m jaded, so I could be wrong. But my prediction for next season? I think Alex Karev will waltz in and save the day. I always thought a spark remained between him and Izzie, and they were just so HOT together!
Gosh, the episode was frustrating though. What the hell is Christina’s problem?! I don’t know if I can take another season of her bullshit. She occasionally attempts to be a human being, but I think she really might be dead inside. I mean, how much do you really care about your boyfriend if you can’t help him stop throwing up the tube inside his throat? And she basically told the Chief that she would do anything not to lose her edge, basically admitting that medicine will always come before her relationship. Why does she even bother to string Burke along then?
Ah, and George and Callie. I was a George fan for a while, but his whining about Meredith finally became too annoying. And I am NOT a fan of this Callie chick. She’s just big, loud and obnoxious to me, and I find it very hard to sympathize with her. We’ll have to see how that story-line progresses.
OK, stop reading here if you don’t want anything spoiled for next season.
Not sure if any of this is true, but according to Spoilerfix.com, Sara Ramirez (aka dirty-hand-lady Callie) is only committed through the end of season two. Thus far, there has been no movement to retain her. That doesn’t mean she’s not coming back, it just means she’s not currently contracted. Chris O’Donnell, meanwhile, was booked for eight episodes – with two still remaining for next season. Again, this doesn’t mean he won’t stick around longer. Meanwhile, Kate Walsh (Addison) is on board through early 2007. And rumor has it than an attractive older female is coming on board as a heart surgeon.
All I know is, I can’t WAIT for next season! I think I may have to buy the DVDs of Season One to get me through the summer.
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