Not that I don’t consider myself a hard worker. I’m extremely excited about what I am doing with my career right now, and I am always more than happy to come in and help, if needed. However, there is someone at my work who is making my job just a little bit miserable, and substantially more difficult than it should be. I swear if I have to work with this woman for one more day I am going to have a stress-induced nervous breakdown.
I am working with the most incompetent bitch you could ever imagine. She treats me like a child and talks to me like I’m her dog. The condescending, nasty tone she uses to speak to me makes me want to spit in her face. The worst part is, this woman has absolutely no justification in treating me so horribly. I am generally a very cheerful person. I rarely have a bad attitude about anything. But when interacting with this woman, I automatically turn into a complete defensive bitch! I hear myself talk back to her and wonder “Who is this person I have become?”
This stupid See You Next Tuesday is a complete moron. She asks me to send her the same document at least five times a day. And when I point out that I have already sent it to her several times, she looks at me like I’m the idiot and asks if I am being snotty. Um, no. Sorry sweetie, I’m just trying to point out that I should not be punished for your incompetence. If you can’t find the freaking document in your computer, that’s not my problem. I shouldn’t have to send it to you over and over again.
The reason we have been so completely slammed lately is because of two big events my company hosted this week. I have been working like crazy for the past couple weeks trying to handle these projects on my own, because you-know-who hasn’t been able to get a single thing accomplished. And she is the project manager, not I. I should ask for a raise. Anyway, after busting my ass last week and this weekend, we were finally able to pull together what we needed to in order to host an event. No thanks to Miss Tuesday.
Thankfully, I had a very interesting conversation with two other co-workers on Friday. Come to find out, everyone feels the same way as me – that this particular person is completely useless and making things harder for everyone else. Ah… it was a compete sigh of relief to find that I have some camaraderie.
Well, after being entirely stressed out and getting minimal amounts of sleep for far too many days in a row, the events we have been frantically planning for have finally arrived. And since Miss Tuesday is technically the “project manager,” she is the person expected to attend these all-day events. Which leaves me blissfully alone in the office – finally! It’s been such a fantastic break to surf the net, catch up on emails and of course write blogs from my desk again, something I’ve really been missing. And as far as I can tell, things are really going to slow down at work until the new year, which will be a much-needed break from all this insanity. Unfortunately Miss Tuesday will be back in the office tomorrow.
I’m enjoying the blissful escape while I still can…
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