Well, I certainly have nothing to complain about – my 25th birthday weekend was a fantastic success! After a small letdown upon finding out that turning 25 effectively bans me from ever applying to be on MTV’s
The Real World, I got over it and celebrated.
Festivities began Friday night at
Vessel with my co-worker, Heather. Since her birthday is one day before mine, she invited me to share drinks with her friends after work to celebrate. Located downtown next to the
Fifth Avenue Theatre, Vessel defines itself as a “modern and elegant Seattle bar.” Unfortunately, Jeanna and I were not impressed by the tiny venue or the cold, rigid atmosphere. We were crammed into an upstairs room filled with people from a drunken Christmas party. This, combined with vodka and flat diet coke, immediately gave me a headache. We didn’t stay long, but I appreciated the invite.

Saturday morning I got up early to prepare for my Grandma’s birthday, which is also the day before mine. My grandparents, parents, cousin, brother and sister arrived at noon for lunch. Then the girls headed down to McCaw Hall, because we had purchased tickets to
The Nutcracker for Grandma’s birthday. I love going to the ballet, and the show was fantastic. I think seeing the Nutcracker every year is a must-have holiday experience, it always puts me in the mood for Christmas. However, the second act was almost completely ruined as the child behind me began to incessantly kick my chair, and a few rows back two sisters started to screech and bicker, which started more of them off. It was hard to concentrate on the show and not all the royal brats who were ruining it for me. I will never understand parents who think a 5-year-old can sit through a two and a half hour ballet.

Cake and ice cream at my house with the family was fun, and I even got some nice gifts, although I didn’t expect any. Since it was my Grandma’s 70th birthday I really wanted it to be her special day, and I think she felt loved and appreciated. After their departure I decided it was absolutely necessary to wear something new on the eve of my birth, so I dragged my cousin Tara up to the Alderwood Mall for shopping. After a frantic trip through Forever 21, we headed back home, where I rushed to get ready for the evening.

The drinking commenced at 8 p.m. with white wine, followed by champagne with Jeanna, Shannon, Jenny and Tara. Shannon and Jenny were sweet enough to give me a very thoughful and fabulous birthday gift. Then we headed down to Twist, where we met up with Vanessa, Lacey, Jillian, Stacy, Mike and Steve. (Crap, did I forget anyone?) Several tall vodka diets and one strawberry champagne later, we proceeded to the bar for birthday shots. I can't remember how many. Eventually we decided to follow Shannon and Jenny down to Sonya’s, and it was apparently my brilliant idea to walk all the way there -- Pioneer Square from Belltown is apparently pretty far, but in hindsight was probably good -- the fresh air may have helped keep me upright.

At this point I have absolutely no sense of time. But the girls had apparently already given up and headed for home, so we decided to go next door to the Starlight Lounge. After running into Jesse Martinez Jr. outside, I attempted to order more drinks, and was immediately cut off by Jeanna. Doug conversed with the two of us, trying to figure out who the hell out of the drunken crazy group would be important enough to remember later on. Shortly thereafter, we decided to walk back nine blocks in the direction we had come from to meet more friends at
Del Rey. The following is a little hazy, and was mostly pieced back together by Jeanna and I on Saturday afternoon…

As more and more friends gave up and went home, Jeanna and I eventually were left on our own. We left
Del Rey and presumably entered a convenience store somewhere in Belltown. Jeanna bought one of those disgusting frosted individual 99 cent apple pies, and while standing in line to pay noticed that the guy in front of her had two cans of Sparks in his hands. She immediately snatched one, popped the top, and took a gulp. I think I did too. From there, we either walked or took a cab to the Five Point CafĂ© on Denny. You always know it’s been a good night when you’re in the mood for macaroni and cheese triangles. They’re pretty much the best drunken food ever.

Sitting at the bar, someone took the mood lighting candle out of its holder and Jeanna conveniently dug a hole in the middle of the apple pie and stuck the candle in. I think people sang “Happy Birthday.” After being thoroughly freaked out by a crazy woman in the bathroom, Jeanna called it a night and headed home. Damn, I don’t remember eating those mac n cheese triangles, but I bet they were fantastic. I think I ate the whole apple pie, too.

I opened my eyes Saturday morning, moaned and held my head as my cell phone began to ring. Happy birthday to me. Thanks Mom. In an attempt to kick the hangover, we headed down to Pesos for breakfast and the football game. After my first bloody Mary, I began to feel better. Someone conveniently told the bartender it was my birthday, which resulted in a yellow, fruity shot. And then another. So I ordered a vodka diet. HEY, the hangover seemed to be gone! The girl next to me ordered a shot. Mimosa. Another vodka diet. 4 p.m. Game over. Back to my apartment. More wine.

6 p.m. Late for my birthday dinner on Capitol Hill. Picked up Jillian before realizing I was too drunk to drive. Switch. Arrived at
Mamounia Restaurant where the girls were already seated. Tried to pull it together. The restaurant was gorgeous and exactly what I had anticipated. I received a fantastic gift from Kelly, and was super excited about the authentic Moroccan cuisine we were going to consume.

Dinner was fantastic, although I can’t remember what I ordered. There was rice, meat, and I think some veggies. We sat on floor pillows and ate with our fingers while watching the belly dancer. When she discovered it was my birthday, she tied a silk scarf around my waist, pulled me up and I became part of the show. Good thing I had had all those drinks after all. After paying for my own dinner and the rest of the tab that is always inevitably left over when a group of people share one bill, I was incredibly disappointed that no one wanted to go for drinks. The food had sobered me up and since it was technically my real birthday, I wanted to celebrate. Luckily, I discovered that some friends were still on the hill.

I met them at Bleu Bistro on Broadway, which is by far the strangest bar I have ever been in. The interior was dark and elusive, with hanging colored cloths that provided private little nooks and corridors everywhere. I felt vaguely claustrophobic, kind of like being inside a honeycomb. However, the fact that the bar served Olympia Beer immediately distracted me – finding bars that serve my hometown brew is definitely one of my favorite things. Finally, we decided to head out… to a karaoke bar in Madison Park which I unfortunately cannot remember the name of.

However, once we got to the bar to order drinks my night got even better. The bartender found out it was my birthday, and immediately began mixing the “birthday drink.” The glass was as big as my head, and I can only assume its original purpose was as a fish bowl or something. He grabbed six bottles of god knows what and started dumping them together. The pink concoction was topped with olives, cherries and other garnishes, and then the kicker… PLOP! You guessed it: An Olympia Beer right in the center!

We sat at a table in the middle of the bar with before someone decided they were drunk enough to sing. I can’t remember for the life of me what song it was, but I knew the words and sang along… loudly. I think we might have danced. At one point I realized my entire drink was gone. We stumbled out of the bar and somehow made our way to Jack in the Box, where I conveniently forgot that I am supposed to be on Phase 2 of SBD. I think I had a Jumbo Jack. It was probably fantastic.

I woke up on Monday morning with the worst hangover of my life, and immediately called in sick to work. I had drank for 14 hours straight, which I think rivals the Sand Dunes. I spent the rest of the day napping and getting sick. It had been a fantastic birthday weekend.
THANK YOU SO MUCH to all of you who came and celebrated with me, at whatever point. I appreciate and love all of you, and it means so much to me that you came out to party and observe my quarter century of life. I’ll see you all soon! Ahh... what a fabulous way to turn 25 years old...!