Thursday, January 15, 2009

Bus Sick

I’ve always been able to read while in transit. Cars, busses, airplanes – nothing phases me. However, lately I seem to have developed an annoying problem: I’ve developed an extreme case of bus sickness.

This has been a major impact on my life, considering the fact that I spend three trips, for a combined total of more than two hours, on the bus each day:

#1: Ballard to Downtown - 30 minutes
#2: Downtown to U District - 45 minutes
#3: U District to Ballard - 45 minutes

It’s quite the commute. Normally, I occupy myself with reading or studying, which makes the tedious rides a little more bearable. But lately things have changed. I get on the bus, settle in with my textbook, and begin to read. A few stops later, queasy and light headed, I slowly shut it. Then, I spend the rest of the bus ride trying not to vomit all over the person in front of me. I alternate between closing my eyes and looking straight forward, breathing deeply and chanting, “Don’t puke, don’t puke, don’t puke…” in my head.

No, I’m not knocked up.

But the whole situation is quite annoying. When you spend as much time on the bus as me, it’s absolutely imperative that I can use the ride to my full advantage. I can’t waste two hours every day sitting and staring straight ahead like an idiot. Even listening to my iPod is a waste of time… I have so much studying to do!!

I’m hitting up the drug store ASAP to see if I can buy some anti-nausea tablets or something.



Bayjb said...

I unfortunately cannot read in the car or on planes, or I can't do it for a very long time on both. I have had lately some senses of nausea on the bus. Random thing apparently.

Anonymous said...

If the tablets don't help ... could you get class notes as an mp3 and listen to them on your ipod?