Saturday, February 14, 2009

N is for Newsies

Every once in a while I feel sad, stressed, depressed or otherwise down-in-the-dumps for no good reason. When this happens, I know it’s time to bust out my miracle cure. I pop in my favorite feel-good movie of all time, Newsies. If you haven’t heard of this fantastic film, it’s a 1992 Disney live action musical starring Christian Bale when he was much younger but still oh-so-sexy. The movie initially failed at the box office but subsequently gained a pretty large cult following – of which I am definitely a part.

There is just something so warm and heartfelt about Newsies; it never fails to cheer me up. The movie is based on the true story of the Newsboys Strike of 1899 in New York City, when the price of newspapers for purchase by the newsboys was raised 1/10 of a cent by newspaper giants Pulitzer and Hearst. If you ever wonder why I majored in journalism, it probably has a small part to do with my love of this movie. I pretty much know all the songs and dance sequences by heart. And sometimes, when I’m really depressed… I sing along.
Since today is Valentine’s Day, the most ridiculous holiday of the year, I’m willing to bet that some people are feeling slightly blue. I recommend renting this movie immediately. It will make you feel incredibly happy about life, I promise. Which reminds me: since I’m obviously not a fan of Valentine’s day, I just have to point out a commentary I saw on entitled Don’t Be My Valentine. FINALLY, somebody else gets it.

Carryin' the Banner,


Erin said...

CARRYIN' the BANNER! Open the gates and SEIZE THE DAY!!! Go get 'em cowboy!!!