Sunday, February 22, 2009

V is for Vegetarian

Okay, I realize that not eating meat for a mere six weeks doesn’t really qualify me as a vegetarian. However, giving up meat has been surprisingly easy! I’ve slipped up twice with a turkey sandwich and chicken curry, but other than that I’ve stayed on the wagon. However, I recently learned that I would technically be classified as a pescetarian – a person who does not eat meat from land-based animals, but still consumes seafood.

Apparently, the Vegetarian Society does not consider pescetarianism a valid vegetarian diet, but since I’m not doing this for anyone other than myself that’s quite all right with me. In addition to proving my mother wrong (obviously the main concern here) and not appearing to be a hypocrite, I’ve chosen this new diet for various other health, environmental and ethical reasons.

So far, I still feel really good about my decision. I’m also having fun realizing that you can always find a vegetarian option. I’ve have yet to come across a restaurant that has stumped me. I know the true test will come after a night of drinking when I end up at Dick’s… think I can live without the cheeseburger then? Only time will tell…


Tara said...

I'm so proud of you! Hehe :).

Anonymous said...

Good for you -- and pescatarian is the way I tried to go once upon a time, too. granted, I only lasted 3.5 weeks...

Brooke said...

i'm proud of you!! I've been a veggie for a year and a half now! I guess Dustin is almost like you though, because SOMETIMES he eats shrimp, but very rarely. One thing that bugs me is when we go to buy veggie soup, if you check the ingredients it usually has chicken or beef broth, yuck! But yes, it is fun finding all the veggie options at restaurants!

Sarah Alway said...

Oh no, you just made me paranoid, but I checked the label on my Vegetable Classics Lentil soup and it doesn't have any meat broth, good. ;-)